Treatment programs in SPA Hotel Devin

Restore your health with the healing programs of “SPA Hotel Devin”, combining mineral water from the Devin spring with balneo and rehabilitation therapies.

Therapies for joint and spinal diseases — arthritis, arthrosis, discopathy

Procedures for recovery after injuries and surgeries

Treatment of peripheral nervous system — radiculitis, plexitis, herniated disc

Main programs

Program “ODA” (Musculoskeletal System)

Rheumatoid arthritis-remission

Reducing pain, improving movement, slowing the course of the disease and suppressing the inflammatory process.

Diseases of the joints

Deforming arthrosis (coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis)

Reducing pain, improving movement and slowing the course of the disease.

Deforming spondyloarthrosis

Reducing pain, improving movement and slowing the course of the disease.

Program “Osteoporosis”

Limiting (slowing down) the process of calcium loss, reducing pain and the risk of fractures.

Intervertebral disc disease — discogenic syndrome (discopathy)

Reducing pain, improving the statics and dynamics of the spine.

Post-traumatic diseases (post-fracture conditions, postoperative conditions, dislocations, sprains, tendovaginitis and myositis)

Improving callus formation and improving the volume of movement in the joints. Improve gait and reduce pain.

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system (radiculitis, plexitis, bursitis, herniated disc)

Reducing pain, controlling the inflammatory process, improving working capacity.

Book your stay now and experience the relaxation you deserve.